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第一条 为加强拨用房产管理,促进拨用房产使用单位(以下简称用房单位)依法使用房产,确保国有资产不受损失,根据《吉林省城市房产管理条例》的有关规定,结合我市的实际情况,制定本办法。

第二条 凡我市行政区域内的拨用房产,均适用本办法。


第三条 市房地产管理局是全市拨用房产的主管部门。市房产产权管理处负责城区拨用房产的日常管理工作。各县(市)、郊区房产管理部门负责本辖区拨用房产的日常管理工作。


第四条 拨用房产实行使用权登记制度,凡我市行政区域内的拨用房产,统一由房产所在地拨用房产管理部门组织清理登记。符合拨用房产有关规定的,发给用房单位《拨用房产使用证》;不符合规定的,由房产所在地拨用房产管理部门将房产收回或按租赁制处理。


第五条 用房单位应在拨用房产管理部门规定的期限内,向房产所在地拨用房产管理部门申请拨用房产使用权登记,领取《拨用房产使用证》。

第六条 《拨用房产使用证》由市拨用房产主管部门统一印制。由房产所在地拨用房产管理部门负责发放,当拨用房产使用权终止时,用房单位应将《拨用房产使用证》缴回发证部门。

第七条 遇有下列情况之一的,用房单位应申请使用权变更登记:





第八条 持有《拨用房产使用证》的用房单位,依法享有拨用房产使用权,并免交房租,其他任何单位和个人不得妨碍其行使合法的房产使用权。

第九条 用房单位必须遵守下列规定:





第十条 用房单位应加强拨用房产的管理,根据房产数量配备专(兼)职管理人员,并应及时维修养护拨用房产,保持房产的基本完好,保证房产的使用安全。

第十一条 用房单位改建、扩建拨用房产或者改变拨用房产用途的,应报经房产所在地拨用房产管理部门批准。




经批准改变用途的拨用房产, 由房产管理部门收归直管,实行租赁制。

第十二条 用房单位拆除拨用房产的,应报经拨用房产管理部门批准。



第十三条 因城市建设需要拆除拨用房产的,新房建成后收归房产管理部门直管,实行租赁制。

第十四条 用房单位可以申请将使用的拨用房产交回或改为租赁制,但其交回的房产必须达到基本完好,未达到基本完好的,由用房单位负责维修或支付维修费用。

第十五条 拨用房产管理部门应加强拨用房产使用、维修的管理、监督、检查和指导,纠正用房单位违反规定使用房产的行为。

第十六条 用房单位应按年缴纳拨用房产管理费。管理费及收取标准依照物价管理审批权限报请批准后执行。

第四章罚 则

第十七条 用房单位违反本办法第五条规定,逾期不申请登记的,由房产所在地拨用房产管理部门收回房产或按租赁制处理。

第十八条 违反本办法第九条第(一)、(三)项规定,将拨用房产全部转租、转借、转让、转兑、改变使用用途的,除没收非法所得外。并处吊销《拨用房产使用证》;将拨用房产部分转租、转借、转让、转兑、改变使用用途的,除没收非法所得外,并对该部分房产自违法使用之日起,改为租赁制。

第十九条 违反本办法第九条第(一)项规定,非法出卖拨用房产的,除没收非法所得,吊销《拨用房产使用证》外,并处该项房产成交额5%—10%的罚款。

第二十条 违反本办法第九条第(二)项、第十一条第一款和第十二条规定,未经批准拆除拨用房产的,除责令单位进行赔偿,吊销《拨用旁产使用证》外,并处房产现价3%—5%的罚款;未经批准拆除六成新以上拨用房产的,处以房产现价30%的罚款;未经批准改建拨用房产的,责令使用单位赔偿损失;擅自扩建的,其扩建部分房产产权收归国有。

第二十一条 违反本办法第九条第(四)项规定,用房单位放弃房产管理的,吊销《拨用房产使用证》。因弃管造成他人人身、财产伤亡损失的,由弃管单位承担法律责任。

第二十二条 凡因吊销《拨用房产使用证》而缴回的拨用房产必须达到基本完好,未达到基本完好的,由原用房单位负责维修或支付维修费用。

第二十三条 违反本办法规定作出的行政处罚,由拨用旁产管理部门决定。当事人对行政处罚不服的,可以在接到处罚决定之日起十日内向市人民政府申请复议。对复议决定仍不服的,可以在接到复议决定之日起七日内向人民法院起诉,逾期不起诉又不履行处罚决定的,执罚机关可向人民法院申请强制执行。

第五章附 则

第二十四条 市房地局应当于每年年底前向市国有资产管理局报送全市拨用房产使用变动情况表。

第二十五条 本办法由市人民政府法制办公室负责解释。

第二十六条 本办法由市房地局负责组织实施。

第二十七条 本办法自公布之日起施行。

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Interpretation of Circular No.698

Jian Sun


 In accordance with provisions of the new Law of Enterprise Income Tax (2008) and Implementing Regulations (2008), whether the income from equity investment asset transfer is derived from PRC shall be classified by the domicile of the invested enterprise, so as to decide whether should pay the income tax in PRC jurisdiction. Whereas, the State Administration of Taxation of PRC (SAT) has not clearly addressed the condition that whether the income from foreign enterprises’ transfer of Chinese domestic enterprises shares they indirectly held by the transfer of offshore holding companies falls into Chinese jurisdiction or should pay income tax in PRC.

The promulgation of Circular No.698 Guoshuihan 2009

 On December 10, 2009, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) promulgated the Circular on Regarding Strengthening the Administration of Income Tax of Sale of Shares by Non-Resident Enterprises, (Guoshuihan [2009] 698) .

 Provisions in Circular No.698 clearly addresses that prevent the foreign enterprises from evading income tax obligation by indirect transfer of shares of Chinese resident enterprises through arrangements like abusing the corporate governance.

 In accordance with the provisions in Circular No.698, foreign investor whose indirect transfer of Chinese residence enterprises falling into the following two catalogues:

(1) The real tax burden rate of the jurisdiction where the offshore holding company transferred is incorporated is less than 12.5%; or

(2) The jurisdiction where the offshore holding company transferred is incorporated does not acquire income tax from foreign-sourced income.

 shall submit the relevant documents as below to the local taxation bureau where the Chinese domestic enterprises being transferred located within 30 days after the execution of Share Transfer Agreement to prove the aforesaid indirect share transfer is for reasonable commercial purpose.

(1) Share Transfer Contract or Agreement.

(2) The relationship between Foreign Investors and Offshore Holding Companies transferred by Foreign Investors regarding finance, operation, purchase and sale, etc;

(3) The situation of the operation, personnel, finance, property of the offshore holding companies transferred by foreign investors;

(4) The relationship of the offshore holding companies transferred by foreign investors and Chinese domestic enterprises regarding finance, operation, purchase and sale, etc.

(5) The Explanations of reasonable commercial objectives of establishment of offshore holding companies by foreign investors.

(6)Other relevant documents required by Taxation Authorities.

 Where administrating tax authorities, upon review and examination of the documents submitted by foreign investors, deem such offshore holding company to be a vehicle incorporated for the purpose of tax evasion, it has the power to re-classify the share transfer transaction in according to the nature of economies, deny the existence of offshore holding company and impose 10% income tax to the transfer of shares after the examination by the State Administration of Taxation.

 In the second place, when non-resident enterprises transfer Chinese resident enterprises to affiliated parties in the unfair price compared to the fair and independent transaction to reduce the taxable income, tax authorities have the power to adjust the income by proper methods.

 In the third place, provisions contained in Circular 698, share transfer income refers to difference between share transfer price and share cost. Share transfer price includes all sum received by share transfer assignors. In the event of invested enterprises have non-allocated profit or various funds after tax profit drawing, the invested enterprises shall not deduct aforesaid income sum from share transfer price. Cost of shares refers to real contribution sum paid by share transfer assignor to Chinese domestic company, or transfer sum paid to original assignors in the time when assignors purchased these shares.

Influence to the Oversea IPO’s and M&A

 As the Circular 698 enforced from January 1, 2008, non-resident enterprises shall review the transfer situation of Chinese domestic enterprises to decide the next step whether to calculate and submit the Enterprise Income Tax (direct transfer) or to submit the relevant document to Local Tax Authorities in the place where Chinese domestic enterprises located (indirect transfer).

国税函 2009(698)号解读
Interpretation of Circular No.698



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